Sunday, July 22, 2007

Veggie Tales a.k.a. Meatless Sorrow

God! I miss meat! I actually had a bacon daydream today when I was driving. I don't even like bacon. I was really imagining myself frying up some deliciously crispy bacon and then eating piece after piece for like dinner. Now that I'm writing it, I'm kind of getting grossed out... but at the time... man alive... I can only think of what the guy stopped next to me at the light was thinking. Maybe something along the lines of "Oh man, I think that chick is having a seizure or something.... oh well..."

Matt and I have both been vegetarians for about 4 or 5 months now, and I usually really enjoy it. It's not that hard... but I do get stuck in a rut a bit about what I eat. I try to be vegan whenever possible, except we do eat cage free eggs and organic milk when we're at home, but I need to get better at preparing foods ahead of time. I need to start taking my lunch to work. Erg. I hate packing lunches.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I can't imagine living without meat. Mostly because I hate vegetables. If I cut meat out of my diet, I'd be left with cheerios and frozen cheese pizzas. Who am I kidding, that's basically all I eat now, with the odd hamburger thrown in here and there.
