Friday, July 20, 2007

No Hippy Chick

I am so not a Hippy Chick!

I don’t recycle, I buy lots of crap I don’t need. I love meat, and don’t care about the animals. I drive everywhere, even to the grocery store which is 3 blocks from my house. I kick puppies for fun, ok I don’t really do that last part, but I might as well have… I’m selfish, materialistic, and incredibly vain and I’m sick of it!

I refuse to believe that because this was the culture I was raised in, that this is the way I have to be. I am committed to change!! What brought this little revelation on you might ask? Well, loads of things… mostly having to do with my little hippy friend T-Gro. She lived with me for awhile this summer, and kind of opened my eyes to a new lifestyle. What! You can walk places!?! I had no idea! What! You don't have to go to Target/Ikea/WalMart to survive!?! No way! She completely blew my mind.

I started reading, watching documentaries, started learning about our culture. We are a culture of ME. I want to live in a culture of WE.

So, I came up with this little experiment.... I kind of see it as my journey to turning from a Southern California snot, to a socially responsible human being. I used to look at being a "hippy" as kind of a bad thing, but I refuse to believe that you have to give up and go live on a mountain somewhere where you poo in a hole, forsaking showers and eating only root vegetables. I will never be one to poo in a hole. I'm not that depressed where I will dress in a potato sack... at least... not yet.

I also started this blog for a couple of reasons. 1) to share what I'm doing; who knows? With your comments maybe we can share ideas and tips of ways to live life better 2) To keep me honest and accountable; knowing that I have to report to my readers will help me stay on track and 3) to have a record of my development. I want documentation that proves how lame I was/am and how awesome I'm gonna be!! I want to prove that if I can do this, anyone can.


  1. Great idea! I can't wait to read about all of your adventures! You'll be Alice in Hippyland!

  2. Yeah...I've pooed in holes...and even honeybuckets (no hole, just a bucket--double bagged of course). I feel no pressing need to relive those experiences, especially the honeybucket part, which always led to a rather horrifying "walk of shame" that I took to naming after my college enemies.

  3. Haha, I really do live on a mountain and poop in a hole. Well I only pooped in the hole twice, and trust me it was traumatic.

    I'm gonna start reading your blog sweetie.
